Jamie Lee Curtis Book Signing & Reading - Santa Monica (November 15, 2008)

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis      Jamie Lee Curtis     Jamie Lee Curtis - (November 15, 2008) - by QH     Every Picture Tells a Story - Santa Monica

Jamie Lee Curtis (November 22, 1958) is a second generation American actress. She is the daughter of legendary film stars 'Tony Curtis' and 'Janet Leigh'. She is also the author of best selling children's books and has published eight books.

Today, she came to Every Picture Tells a Story bookstore in Santa Monica to sign copies of 'Big Words For Little People'. This event was mainly meant for Children. Curtis is a master communicator and truly connected with the Children during the reading. This was a rare opportunity to get to know the real Jamie Lee. She is down to earth and has a great sense of humor.

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Jamie Lee Curtis (IMDB)

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